I received an email warning people of a new method of hijacking. I haven't heard of it before but, I do think it is worth warning everyone, because it could very well be true.
According to the email, this is a new technique used by robbers in Johor Baharu. The hijackers threw eggs at the vehicles windscreen in hope that the driver would slow down and put his wipers on to clear his screen.It is said, that the wipers actually make the egg stain worse, blocking vision up to 92.5%. Because, the driver now can't see a thing, the only option is to stop on the side of the road and wipe it off yourself. This, of course, is exactly what the hijackers want, and gives them the perfect opportunity to hijack a poor driver.
The email warns drivers to just keep going if an egg is thrown on your windscreen. Obviously, the best thing to do then, is to stop at the nearest petrol station. As I said before, who knows if this is actually true. But, its worth being aware. Hijackers are not using conventional methods anymore. We are now being targeted while in motion. So be alert, be aware!
Pena Tumpul - Knows people are desperate nowadays